World Most Powerful Army forces

1.United States of America

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The United States Army dates back to 1775 when the Continental Army was created to fight in the Revolutionary War. The U.S. Army has participated in every major world war, the Korean War, Vietnam, the Gulf War and the Global War on Terrorism.

The current active duty force for the U.S. Army numbers over 500,000 with a combined total of over one million with Reserve and National Guard soldiers.

The modern day Army is an all volunteer force with permanent posts throughout the United States as well as Germany, Italy, Kosovo, Japan and Korea.

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I agree that America should be at the top (due to there fire power) the number of soldiers America needs on a single check point is much larger than the number needed from the British forces, a section if around 20 men can hold a check point, with the other side of the section being at a check point further down. Where as the American, I don't know the exact numbers for the Americans but its a much larger amount of soldiers needed, but due to the high number of people being taken in by the us forces in some points lack the standards of training that would be needed, a single patrol from uk is made of 8 men. Wich can hold of a large amount of enemy forces. Do t get me wrong I belivie that the United States has a great army that could take any countrie but I think that some people are being way to cocky when it co es the us army. Due to the high number of people on the field it is much harder to pass down order which sadly ends in death. A good example of poor tactics in the us armed forces is that the, British armed forces secured a area in afganistan called "death valley" T that point we handed. The control over to the United States Army. When the states reshuffled their army so they can extract men. They left that vital area out, a general aked for help as they were being over whelmed. If America was such a great countrie why would they leave this vita area out, and even if they saw they messed up why do they need help from British sqaudies .

2. Russia

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Russia has undergone numerous changes throughout its military history dating back to 863. The modern day army is known as the Russian Ground Force and was founded in 1992.Previous Russian military organizations, including the Red Army, have been involved in regional conflicts, both world wars and the Cold War. Before the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991, it was the known as the superpower of the world and had surpassed the United States in terms of the number of soldiers and nuclear weapons. The Russian Ground Force is staffed through mandatory service; though many in the country have either deferred under exceptions or offered bribes to officials not to serve.

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Russian Army has huge story of victories and that way of Glory keeps aside all others ,with my respect to Bundessehr and Her Majesty’s Armed Forces.Added 15 days ago by guest, 1 point While I think the Russian military should be ranked in the top five, I do not think they should be number one or even two. In my opinion even there most high speed units, such as the VDV lack communication and coordination abilities. CAS and ART missions, the USA would fine easy to accomplish; proved difficult for the Russians against Georgia in 2008. The Spetsnaz have the comm and coordination abilities between branches that the US standard Infantry has. Sorry guys but the Spetsnaz don’t make up a big enough part of the Russian military, to make up for the conventional forces lack of equipment and capabilities. The Military as a whole in Russia is outdated and run down. While I expect this to change and progress rapidly in the next decade, this list is current; not projected. Nukes are a different story all together. Russia is by no means a paper tiger and deserves to be in the top five. Tough SOB troops, just not equipped like they should be!


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The People’s Liberation Army of China is the largest in the world numbering over two million soldiers even after significant cuts in forces in recent years. The Chinese Army was established in 1927 and involved in the Sino-Japanese conflict, World War II, Korean War and Vietnam. While technically service is required for all men over the age of 18, China has never had to draft soldiers as there has always been more than enough Chinese men who have volunteered for military service to their country.

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China has lost it wars in the past, but then who has won wars against that which you can't attack (I'm talking about tartars. China, the nation as it is today won't lose a war any soon. Well on my opinion atleast. But what if europe were to be 1 country with 1 army?? How would it rate on your opinions... still though China dominates . I think chinese army should be rated much more higher than this.Although I dont like the chinese authorities very much I have to say it is the best disciplined army in the world and I dont remember it has loose any war yet.

4. India

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The Indian Army dates back to the Stone Age. Today, it is known as being the largest all volunteer ground force in the world with more than 1,000,000 active duty soldiers. India has never had to institute a draft to staff its ground force. The Indian Army has been involved in both world wars as well as several conflicts to fight for its own independence. Pakistan has been its target on more than one occasion in its military history.

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Indian Army is the most Powerful, Strongest, Mightiest and Very Brave Army in the worlds. All the regiments in our Indian Armed Forces have born with Very High Bravery and Courage than any other country in this world. I love all my Indian Brothers and Sisters, And our Indian Defence Forces will do everything to protect them from any kind of eventuality. Jai Hind.Indian Army is one of the few armies in the world which has skill, technology and numbers. It has 1.4 million active and 2 million Reserve troops, along with 2 million Paramilitary, Spec Forces, and COIN units. most guys think India has no Amphibious assault capabilities, they are just misinformed. We have one of the best trained, Marine Corps, knows as the MARCOS. Our spec forces are tried and tested units that have performed several operations. One skill that Indians have that most others don't is bravery among the higher ranking, as well as lower-ranking soldiers. They are known to fight in tactically unfavourable conditions, and come out victoriosbecause of this coordinated bravery. (See Battle of Longewala, Battle of Assal Uttar).

5.United Kingdom

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The British Army was organized in 1661 and has been involved in various conflicts including the Napoleonic Wars, Revolutionary War and both world wars. The British Army has had a significant presence in Northern Ireland and the Balkans while standing beside the United States in the Gulf War in the 1990s as well as the Global War on Terrorism after the attacks of September 11, 2001. The active duty force of the British Army is more than 100,000 strong, making it the second largest army in the European Union behind France.


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The Turkish Army dates back more than 2,000 years. The modern day Turkish Army is one of the few notable armies that stayed neutral during World War II. Although the Turkish Army was involved in the Korean War, the largest conflict in the 1900s was in the Turkish Independence War where it fought Russia, Britain, Greece, France and Italy along its borders. Military service in Turkey is required with few exceptions and it has resulted in Turkey having the second largest ground force in NATO.

Turks have the best special forces in the world. They won in the para-cross special forces competition. Currently the nearest opponent are spetznaz en shayayeth israeli commando's. Turkey also has the largest commando division in the world. Called the blue berets. The best in the world are the maroon berets. Turks also have navy commando's similar to the brittish s.a.s. Its also called s.a.s. Turks are the most nationalistic people in the world. And there is an national quote: Every Turk is born as a soldiers. Meaning there are 80 miilion turkish soldiers in turkey. And 500 million in the turkish world including, azerbeidjan,kazachstan,turkmenistan etc..

7. North Korea

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The North Korean People’s Army was established in 1939 and has an impressive force of more than one million soldiers. When reserve unit numbers are counted in this total, estimates are more than seven million soldiers who could be activated if needed. Major conflicts in North Korea’s history are the Korean War and the Vietnam War. Tensions between North and South Korea still exist today and, technically, the conflict has not officially ended between the two. North Korea has confirmed its nuclear and chemical weapons capability in recent years with threats against various countries including the United States, mainly for its alliance with South Korea.

8. Germany

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The German Army has one of the most notable histories with the rise of Hitler. The German Army was responsible for the start of World War II when it invaded Poland. After the War ended, Germany was in a divided state and formed the West Germany Army. After reunification in the 1990s, the armies from the east and west were combined into the current German Army. The current military force in Germany numbers over 200,000 active soldiers.

The most important weapon in any war is the people. The German nation would not tolerate any kind of large-scale aggression from Germany ever again. I live here and know what I am talking about. Their army is brilliantly equipped, and their soldiers are well trained, but feel guilty about fighting – Fact! The truth is that some countries have fought wars recently and some haven't... Some have won and some have lost. The last war the UK lost was the American war of independence. British soldiers have been cutting their teeth around the world for 250 years nonstop! That's right, the UK hasn't really had peace for almost 3 centuries. Israel the same since WWII – fighting nonstop. A good army is one that has fought and won a lot, just like a football team.... Practice makes perfect.

9. Israel

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Israel is the only country in the world that requires military service from both male and female citizens with few exceptions. The Israel Defense Force was founded in 1948 and maintains an active duty force of over 100,000. The Israeli military history includes the Arab-Israel War, the Six-Day War and numerous conflicts with Lebanon and Palestine. The United States remains one of Israel’s largest allies.

This is precisely where I would place the IDF, #2. While the IDF is small, they are well trained, well equipped, agile mobile and hostile. Historically, Israel has had to rely on superior tactics, cunning, intelligence and a willingness to take the fight to the enemy. Arguably, there has been more disadvantages than advantages from the 6 Days War, but the execution was nothing less than brilliant.I "think" Israel is the best army cause they are good at doing everything, they specially kicked butt in The 6 day war.

10. Pakistan

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Pakistan’s Army was founded in 1947 and maintains a force of over 500,000 strong who have all volunteered for service. Pakistan’s military history includes conflicts with its bordering neighbors of Afghanistan and India, the Gulf War and Mogadishu, Somalia in the early 90s. Pakistan has also served as an ally to the United States in the Global War on Terrorism by assisting in fighting the Taliban and Al-Qaeda in Afghanistan and along the border of Pakistan. 

Pakistan Army has the experience that no other army in world . Pakistani Army trains there officers and solider in a manner than nothing can break them . And Pakistan army has loads of experience in war fare . pakistan army made by the efforts of two countries-China and america.Pakistan have the best army nothing can stand in there way . i mean pakhtun they are most dangerouse from atom cant belive but its true.

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